Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s going to die? Ok so it doesn’t rhyme but I did my best and even consulted a rhyme dictionary to try to make it cute. I failed. If you’re up for a little exercise around your mortality, try this: Stop scrolling. Go to the mirror. Look at yourself in the eye–look at that thing that’s looking out of your eyes that can see the thing looking back. Look at that thing. And repeat to yourself out loud three times: I am going to die.

What did you notice? Let me know how it goes! And as always and forever, thank you for giving me a minute of your life (more like 42 seconds but who’s counting) to think about the end of it. ⏳💜🙏🏿

For death doula training, visit www.goingwithgrace.com/trainingdetails

For death doula services, visit www.goingwithgrace.com/services


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