What if we forgave death? We talk a lot about forgiveness in end of life, but often it is forgiveness of the other or forgiveness of self. But what if we forgave death itself?

Societally we think of death as that thing that comes to snatch away people that we love and cut our own lives short. We make death the enemy, rather than being with our incredible inadequacy in its face. If there were any enemy it would be our feelings of powerlessness that come with no control and our discomfort with the unknown and the mystery of it all. But rather than make that the enemy maybe we can just sit with those feelings, see what they have to teach us, and in doing so perhaps we could welcome death as just a natural part of life. The thing that makes this whole ride of life so magical to begin with! πŸ™ŒπŸΏβœ¨πŸ€ΈπŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

Do you think you could forgive death? Would you invite it in, maybe give it a cookie? Thank you so much for giving me a minute of your life to think about the end of it. πŸ’œβ³πŸ™πŸΏ

For death doula training, visit www.goingwithgrace.com/trainingdetails

For death doula services, visit www.goingwithgrace.com/services

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