Do you have a clock on the wall with an audible second hand? If so, what do you hear? I’ve been staying at my sister’s house for the holiday and the clock on her wall sounds like a countdown to me! Yes, I recognize this might have to do with the fact that I am ALWAYS thinking about death and how it relates to life, AND its actually accurate 😜

So much of our relationship with death is about our relationship with time and how we are using it, or not. For all of us there is a countdown occurring, yet most remain intentionally unaware of it until they can no longer avoid it. A diagnosis or some external factor typically brings the countdown into clear view that cannot be avoided. Our time is finite. The only question which remains is what you will do with the time left in your countdown. Tick tock baby.

As always, thank you for giving me a minute of your life to think about the end of it! ⏳💜🙏🏿

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